Unicycling Class

Our regular unicycle classes can be held in schools, other youth facilities or somewhere completely different, to offer a sustainable sport opportunity to an open or fixed group.

That's how our class could look

And below you find more details

Main Focus

Initially, discipline, patience and perseverance are the focus. Unicycling takes time, so we set short-term goals to make training techniques noticeable through success. Later, personal responsibility and teamwork become more and more important. An increasingly free training enables the participants to pursue their own interests independently. Training is carried out individually and independently, while at the same time mutual support in the group is achieved through the help and control of movement sequences.

Group Dynamics

The aim of long-term offers is always to achieve group dynamics that lead to the integration of all participants. We use group games to support this.
A well-functioning group motivates itself, helps itself without being asked and openly recognizes the success of others. Qualities whose necessity go beyond sport.

Number of Participants

A group size of 5 to 10 participants is ideal for a course with a trainer.
In principle, however, no group is too large; all you need is the right planning.


You can ride a unicycle at any age.
Most children from around 7/8 years old are able to learn to drive without great frustration. But there is no upper limit. Even seniors have no excuse, it just takes a little more patience than with children.

Ages of approx. 8 to 16 benefit particularly from our offer.

inclusive & heterogenous

Our courses are suitable for all levels of knowledge. Heterogeneous groups are also not a problem. You benefit together, learn together with and from each other.
We involve participants with physical or mental disabilities and give them the appropriate challenges.

indoors or outdoors

We like to go outside when there is a covered area for wet days. Otherwise we switch to sports halls or larger rooms.
So far we have found a suitable place everywhere.


We provide unicycles for all participants. We also bring additional material such as pallets, pylons, etc. with us. Of course, you can also use your own material.

The participants get to know, maintain and repair their equipment and are responsible for it during the course.

Introduction of a Class

Unicycling is usually only associated with circuses, which can put off many young people. The fact that unicycling as a young lifestyle offers much more often only shows when you have seen or tried it for himself.

We are therefore happy to drop in before a course starts and present the topic so that the participants have an idea of what we are doing when choosing or registering for the course.


There is also the opportunity to try out other sports related to thought and movement, such as slacklining, freeskating or speedcubing.


At the end of a course block, a group-internal final contest can take place, in which competitions are controlled competently ridden for victory. So everyone can present what they have learned to each other and everyone gets their deserved recognition. The focus is never on victory, but on the courage to have participated. Small prices support that.


At the end of a course block, we would be happy to create a video that was filmed together with the participants, which is a motivating goal beforehand, which will be worked towards, and memories and results afterwards.

Interesting for you? Just get in touch