Unicycling Show

Insight into a small extreme sport on small and large stages, indoors und outdoors

This is how a show can look

And below you find more details

unusually interesting

Unicycling as a visually interesting and at the same time quite unknown sport as a show is always good for a surprise effect.

We let the audience look outside the box and give an insight into a completely unexpected sport. Surprise effect guaranteed.

Flatland / Street / Trial

Depending on the location and duration of the performance, various show elements can be considered.

From pure flatland shows to street or trial deposits to high or long jump and jumping across a human chain is all possible. With and without audience involvement.

individually planned

For each show, we create an individual process from the various elements and thus ensure an entertaining experience for the audience and us.

Everything goes from 3-minute teasers to 30-minute performances.


And how about after the show giving the audience the opportunity to try it out for themselves?

We are happy to stay a little longer and offer a short workshop. Or we set up a workshop booth all day long and give everyone interested the chance to sit on a unicycle.

Interesting for you? Just get in touch